The Forest Problem

Posted on 8/2/2016 by Trey Cox
Viewed 19 times

Students want to know why they would ever use a sampling method other than a simple random sample. This lesson visually illustrates the effect of using a simple random sample (SRS) vs. a stratified random sample. Students will create a SRS from a population of apple trees and use the mean of the SRS to estimate the mean yield of the trees. Students will then create a stratified random sample from the same population to again estimate the yield of the trees. The use of the stratified random sample is to control for a known source of variation in the yield of the crop, a nearby forest.

6.SP.A.1 6.SP.B.4 6.SP.B.5 7.SP.A.1 7.SP.A.2
Math Practices
MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.6 MP.7

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