Open Educational Resources

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Inside Mathematics Educator Resource Site


Inside Mathematics is a professional resource for educators passionate about improving students' mathematics learning and performance. This site features classroom examples of innovative teaching methods and insights into student learning, tools for mathematics instruction that teachers can use immediately, and video tours of the ideas and materials on the site.

8/2/2016 Phillip Clark
MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.6 MP.7 MP.8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Resource

Creating a Collaborative Classroom Culture: Team Building Activities


A website with many team building activites to assist in building a collaborative classroom culture. Go to: and download as many as you want! 

8/2/2016 Trey Cox
MP.1 MP.3
K 1 2 Resource

AN algorithm for subtraction


A 2nd grade student shared an algorithm for subtraction that was learned at home. This provides a great opportunity to make sense of mathematics! With a focus on place value, the algorithm can be made sense of by our students.  The PDF Pencast simply explains the algorithm...share it in class and use it as a context to make sense of math, develop number sense, focus on place value. NOTE: Adobe Reader DC (or equivalent) is needed to view the "video" aspect of this pencast PDF.

8/2/2016 Scott Adamson
2.NBT.A.1 2.NBT.A.1a 2.NBT.A.1b 2.NBT.A.4 2.NBT.B.5 2.NBT.B.7 2.NBT.B.9 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.6 MP.7 1 2 3 Video