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Talking Two-Way Tables


When analysis of categorical data is concerned with more than one variable, a two-way table (also known as a contingency table) can be used. These tables provide a foundation for statistical inference, where statistical tests question the relationship between the variables based on the data observed. This activity begins to explore statistical inference and testing. 

8/2/2016 Trey Cox
8.SP.A.4 HSS-ID.B.5 MP.1 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 8 HS Activity

Titanic - Two Way Tables


Two way tables help us in so many ways...association and probability are just two! This PP is classroom ready to use with your 8th grade or high school students. 

8/2/2016 Trey Cox
8.SP.A.4 HSS-CP.A.3 HSS-CP.A.4 HSS-CP.B.6 HSS-CP.B.7 HSS-CP.B.8 8 HS Resource

Titanic & Two-Way Tables (Illustrative Mathematics)


This is the first task in the series of three, which ask related questions, but use different levels of scaffolding. Also, the third task uses a more detailed version of the data table. The emphasis is on developing their understanding of conditional probability.

8/2/2016 Trey Cox
HSS-CP.A.1 HSS-CP.A.2 HSS-CP.A.3 HSS-CP.A.4 HSS-CP.A.5 HSS-CP.B.6 HSS-CP.B.7 HSS-CP.B.8 7.SP.C.8a 7.SP.C.8b 8.SP.A.4 MP.1 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.7 MP.1 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.7 HS 7 8 Activity

Contingency Table Activity


Goal: The goal of this activity is to read a table and gather data from it and use it to create a contingency table. Students will then be asked a series of questions discussing what they see when they create a contingency table and what are some of the benefits with using one.

8/2/2016 Ashley Nicoloff
8.SP.A.4 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.6 MP.7 5 6 7 8 Activity