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Average Athletics


One of the measures of central tendency is the mean/average. Many do not know much about the average other than it is calculated by "adding up all of the numbers and dividing by the number of numbers". This activity is designed to help students get a conceptual understanding of what an average is and not just how to calculate a numerical value.

8/2/2016 Trey Cox
6.SP.A.2 6.SP.A.3 6.SP.B.5c 6.SP.B.5d MP.2 MP.4 6 7 Activity

Roll a Distribution


The purpose of this lesson is to allow the students to discover that data collected in seemingly similar settings will yield distributions that are shaped differently. Students will roll a single die 30 times counting the number of face up spots on the die and recording the result each time as a histogram or a histogram. Students will be asked to describe the shape of the distribution. Combining work with several students will yield more consistent results.

8/2/2016 Trey Cox
6.SP.A.2 6.SP.A.3 6.SP.B.4 6.SP.B.5d 6.SP.B.5c MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.8 6 Activity

Who’s the Best Home Run Hitter of All time?


This lesson requires students to use side-by-side box plots to make a claim as to who is the "best home run hitter of all time" for major league baseball.

8/2/2016 Trey Cox
6.SP.B.4 6.SP.B.5 6.SP.B.5a 6.SP.B.5b 6.SP.B.5c 6.SP.B.5d 6.SP.A.3 6.SP.A.2 7.SP.B.3 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.7 6 7 Activity

Pennies From Heaven


The focus of this activity is to describe the shape of a distribution and to describe the center and spread. Students use data they collect (penny ages) to describe the distribution by its SOCS (Shape, Outlier, Center, Spread). 

8/2/2016 Trey Cox
6.SP.A.1 6.SP.A.2 6.SP.A.3 6.SP.B.4 6.SP.B.5 6.SP.B.5a 6.SP.B.5b 6.SP.B.5c 6.SP.B.5d MP.1 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.7 6 Activity

Straighten up and Fly Right!


The purpose of this lesson is to allow the students gather data in a fun way and answer a statistical question through analysis of the data.  Students will fly paper airplanes and analyze the data to determine which style of plane flies longer.

8/2/2016 Trey Cox
6.SP.A.2 6.SP.A.3 6.SP.B.4 6.SP.B.5 6.SP.B.5a 6.SP.B.5b 6.SP.B.5c 6.SP.B.5d MP.1 MP.3 MP.4 6 Activity

California Adventures- Central Tendency and Variation


8/2/2016 Ashley Nicoloff
6.SP.B.5c 6.SP.A.3 6.SP.A.1 6.SP.B.5 6.SP.B.5a MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.6 MP.8 6 7 Activity

Central Tendency and Measures of Dispersion


Goal: The goal of this activity is to allow students the ability to practice data collection and find measures of central tendency and dispersion. Wrap up questions will also allow for an insight into how each of these calculations are related to one another. Materials needed: 12 small bags of M & M’s (they can be the fun size or regular packs), calculator and the M & M worksheet and answer sheet.

8/2/2016 Ashley Nicoloff
6.SP.B.5c 6.SP.B.5 7.SP.A.1 MP.1 MP.4 MP.5 MP.6 MP.8 6 7 8 Activity

Outlier Activity


Goal: The goal of this activity is for students to interpret measures of central tendency when an outlier is present. They will also be able to identify which value is an outlier and create a boxplot as well.

8/2/2016 Ashley Nicoloff
6.SP.A.2 6.SP.A.3 6.SP.B.4 6.SP.B.5c 6.SP.B.5d 6.SP.B.5 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.6 MP.7 5 6 7 8 HS Activity

Inferences about two populations


Goal: The goal of this activity is for students to compare to samples from two different populations. They will make inferences based on what they find from their dot plot.

8/2/2016 Ashley Nicoloff
6.SP.A.2 6.SP.B.5 6.SP.B.5c 7.SP.B.4 7.SP.B.3 7.SP.A.1 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.8 5 6 7 8 HS Activity