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Who’s the Best Home Run Hitter of All time?


This lesson requires students to use side-by-side box plots to make a claim as to who is the "best home run hitter of all time" for major league baseball.

8/2/2016 Trey Cox
6.SP.B.4 6.SP.B.5 6.SP.B.5a 6.SP.B.5b 6.SP.B.5c 6.SP.B.5d 6.SP.A.3 6.SP.A.2 7.SP.B.3 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.7 6 7 Activity

College Success - Comparing Two Populations


In this task, students are able to conjecture about the differences in the two groups from a strictly visual perspective and then support their comparisons with appropriate measures of center and variability. This will reinforce that much can be gleaned simply from visual comparison of appropriate graphs, particularly those of similar scale. Students are also encouraged to consider how certain measurements and observation values from one group compare in the context of the other group. 

8/2/2016 Trey Cox
7.SP.B.3 7.SP.B.4 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 7 Activity

Inferences about two populations


Goal: The goal of this activity is for students to compare to samples from two different populations. They will make inferences based on what they find from their dot plot.

8/2/2016 Ashley Nicoloff
6.SP.A.2 6.SP.B.5 6.SP.B.5c 7.SP.B.4 7.SP.B.3 7.SP.A.1 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.8 5 6 7 8 HS Activity