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Imagine that a city employee is given the task of counting the number of fish in a city pond in a park. The “capture-recapture” method may be used to approximate the number of fish in the pond. The employee could capture a number of fish, say 20, and tag them and release them back into the pond. Waiting until the fish have a chance to become mixed with the other fish in the pond, the employee can capture more fish. If the number of fish captured is 25 and 4 of them are tagged, we can use proportional reasoning to estimate the number of fish in the pond.

8/2/2016 Scott Adamson
7.RP.A.2 7.RP.A.2a 7.RP.A.2b 7.RP.A.2c 7.RP.A.3 7.SP.A.1 7.SP.A.2 MP.4 MP.4 8 7 6 Activity

How Big or How Little?


This activity is designed to have students think about what it means to “keep it in proportion” – a very common phrase, but what does it mean?

8/2/2016 Scott Adamson
6.RP.A.1 6.RP.A.2 6.RP.A.3 6.RP.A.3a 6.RP.A.3b 6.RP.A.3c 7.RP.A.1 7.RP.A.2 7.RP.A.2a 7.RP.A.2b 7.RP.A.3 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.6 MP.7 MP.8 6 7 Activity

Now THAT'S Some Gas Mileage!


This activity involves working with percentages and is connected with the ACCR Standards at the sixth and seventh grade levels.

8/2/2016 Lynda Boepple
6.RP.A.3c 7.RP.A.3 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.6 6 7 Activity

A Motorcycle Transaction


Myles purchases two motorcycles without his mother's permission. She makes him sell them. You will determine if he made a profit or a loss in this buying and selling transaction. Concepts: percent to decimal conversion, finding the percent of a number, and calculating the percent of change.

8/2/2016 Lynda Boepple
6.RP.A.3c 7.RP.A.3 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.6 MP.7 6 7 Activity

Sochi Olympics - Junior High Math Contest


This is the 2013 Chandler-Gilbert Community College Junior High Math Contest Team Project. You may use all or just parts of it as it contains lots of different math topics including: The idea of AVERAGE The idea of AVERAGE SPEED and GRAPHS of LINEAR FUNCTIONS The idea of CREATING and INTERPRETING BOX and WHISKER PLOTS  The idea of SLOPE The idea of ANGLE The idea of PERCENT Look at the project and decide what parts your students are ready to tackle...and HAVE FUN!

8/2/2016 Scott Adamson
6.RP.A.1 6.RP.A.3 7.RP.A.3 6.SP.B.4 8.EE.B.5 8.F.A.3 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.6 MP.7 MP.8 6 7 8 Activity

Mathematics and Advertising


This activity is from the 2011 CGCC Junior High Math Contest Team Project. You may pick and choose which parts of the project to use or use it all! Percent increase/decrease and Area of circles The Counting Principle Pythagorean Theorem and Ratios

8/2/2016 Scott Adamson
7.RP.A.3 7.G.B.4 7.G.B.6 8.G.B.7 7.RP.A.2 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.6 MP.7 MP.8 7 8 Activity

2015 Excellence in Mathematics Contest


This is the Team Project from the 2015 Junior High Excellence in Mathematics Contest at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. It involves lots of open ended problems from many mathematical areas: Find the weight of a snowman (geometry, proportional reasoning) Find how long it takes ice to form on a lake (rate of change, awkward units) Questions about the amount of mining done in Northern Minnesota (proportional reasoning, conversions) You can use just one part or all parts depending on the audience and the purpose.

8/2/2016 Scott Adamson
6.RP.A.2 6.RP.A.3 6.RP.A.3b 7.RP.A.2 7.RP.A.2a 7.RP.A.3 7.G.A.1 7.G.B.6 8.G.C.9 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.6 MP.7 MP.8 6 7 8 Activity

Is Ellen Correct?


This clip was edited for middle school students:

8/2/2016 Amanda Larner
7.RP.A.3 MP.1 MP.5 MP.6 7 Activity

Broomsticks - Multiplicative Reasoning


This is the broomsticks activity created by Ted Coe.

8/2/2016 Scott Adamson
7.RP.A.3 4.OA.A.1 4.OA.A.2 6.RP.A.3c HSN-Q.A.3 HSN-Q.A.1 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.6 MP.7 MP.8 8 HS 7 4 5 6 Activity

Is a Super Ball REALLY Super?


Is a Super Ball REALLY "super?"  This activity allows students to collect data and to make an argument regarding this quetions. See the PowerPoint for details about the activity... Note: It is best to gain access to an authentic, Wham-O Super Ball made with Zectron!

8/2/2016 Scott Adamson
6.RP.A.1 6.RP.A.3 7.RP.A.2 7.RP.A.3 8.F.A.3 8.F.B.4 8.F.B.5 HSF-IF.C.7 HSF-IF.B.6 HSA-CED.A.2 MP.1 MP.2 MP.3 MP.4 MP.5 MP.6 MP.7 MP.8 5 6 7 8 HS Activity

Cat food and Recycling


8/2/2016 Linda Meng
7.G.B.6 8.G.C.9 7.RP.A.3 MP.1 MP.2 MP.4 MP.5 7 8 Activity

Tesla Roadster Loan


8/2/2016 Linda Meng
7.RP.A.2c 7.RP.A.3 6.RP.A.3b 6.RP.A.3c 6.EE.B.6 6.EE.C.9 7.EE.B.4a 7.EE.B.4 7.EE.B.3 MP.1 MP.3 MP.4 MP.8 7 Activity